The Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality and the Bernstein inequality are established on ?2m (T, ?) ∩ L2 (?) which is the space of polynomial splines with irregularly distributed nodesT = {t j } j ∈?, where {t j }j∈? is a real sequence such that {e it ξ} j }j ∈? constitutes a Riesz basis for L2([ ?π,π]). From these results, the asymptotic relation is proved, where B π,2 denotes the set of all functions from L2( R) which can be continued to entire functions of exponential type ? ?, i.e. the classical Paley-Wiener class.
The Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality and the Bernstein inequality are established on which is the space of polynomial splines with irregularly distributed nodes T = where is a real sequence such that constitutes a Riesz basis for L2([ -π, π]) . From these results, the asymptotic relationis proved, where Bπ,2 denotes the set of all functions from L2(R) which can be continued to entire functions of exponential type ≤π, i.e. the classical Paley- Wiener class.