根据详细的1:5万地质填图资料,对侵位于阚集(岩)群、肥东(岩)群的变质变形侵入岩组合 ──片麻岩套的岩石特征、岩石化学特征及地球化学特征作了系统的阐述,确认其为一套属于钙碱性 系列的同源演化序列,并对其成因(岩浆起源、构造背景等)、成岩时代(形成于吕梁期、受晋宁期构造变 质叠加改造)作了分析与探讨,为正确认识大别-苏鲁造山带皖中段早期演化提供了重要的地质依 据。
This paper, based on 1: 50000 scale geological mapping data, has systematically expounded the petrological, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics of a gneiss suite, a metamorphosed and deformed intrusive rock association emplaced into the Kanji and Feidong rock groups. It is affirmed to be a suite of cafe - alkaline series of cognate evolving sequence with its origin (magmatic source and structual setting, etc. ) and diagenetic time (formed in the Luliang period and was reworked by structural superimposed metamorphism in the Jinning period)being analyzed, providing an important geological basis for correct recognition of the early stage of evolution of the Wanzhong section of the Dabie - Sulu orogen.
Geology of Anhui