Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) has the potential to highly express foreign gene. A novel TMV-based in trans expression system was constructed. A TMV mutant TSHc had its coat protein replaced with hepatitis C vir黶 (HCV) core antigen gene. Anotherr TMV mutant TSBD was repli-case-defective. Coinfection of the two mutants could cause systemic infection in tobacco plants by in trans complementation of their functions. TSHc could effectively replicate and assemble to viral particles, which were a little longer than that of wild-type TMV. HCV core antigen was expressed in whole tobacco plants. A similar expression level of HCV core antigen was detected on serial passages, which suggested that this viral expression system be stable.
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) has the potential to highly express foreign gene. A novel TMV-basedin trans expression system was constructed. A TMV mutant TSHc had its coat protein replaced with hepatitis C virus (HCV) core antigen gene. Anotherr TMV mutant TSBD was replicase-defective. Coinfection of the two mutants could cause systemic infection in tobacco plants byin trans complementation of their functions. TSHc could effectively replicate and assemble to viral particles, which were a little longer than that of wild-type TMV. HCV core antigen was expressed in whole tobacco plants. A similar expression level of HCV core antigen was detected on serial passages, which suggested that this viral expression system be stable.