The shape of unperturbed polymer chains was studied using the Monte Carlo technique on a tetrahedral lattice. The asphericity A, the ratios <L-2(2)>/<L-1(2)> and <L-3(2)>/<L-1(2)> were calculated for different Values of polymer chain length n, conformational energy epsilon (epsilon greater than or equal to 0) and temperature T. The asphericity A decreases with the increase of chain length and tends to reach its limiting value rapidly with the decrease of gamma (gamma = epsilon/k(B)T). For large n, A is about 0.525 +/- 0.005, the ratios <L-2(2)>/<L-1(2)> and <L-3(2)>/<L-1(2)> are about 2.7 and 12.0, respectively, and are almost independent of gamma, but for short chains, they depend on gamma.
The shape of unperturbed polymer chains was studied using the Monte Carlo technique on a tetrahedral lattice. The asphericity A, the ratios <L-2(2)>/<L-1(2)> and <L-3(2)>/<L-1(2)> were calculated for different Values of polymer chain length n, conformational energy epsilon (epsilon greater than or equal to 0) and temperature T. The asphericity A decreases with the increase of chain length and tends to reach its limiting value rapidly with the decrease of gamma (gamma = epsilon/k(B)T). For large n, A is about 0.525 +/- 0.005, the ratios <L-2(2)>/<L-1(2)> and <L-3(2)>/<L-1(2)> are about 2.7 and 12.0, respectively, and are almost independent of gamma, but for short chains, they depend on gamma.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 29736170).