八字地老虎核型多角体病毒 (Xestiac nigrumnucleopolyhedrovirus,简称XcNPV)接种八字地老虎 5龄幼虫后 ,残存个体的蛹重显著降低 ,成虫的繁殖力下降 ,而病毒对成虫的寿命没有影响。雌蛹重和成虫的卵量有显著的相关性 ,处理组与对照组的回归方程分别为 y =3.147x - 2 36.758(r=0 .9650 )和y =3.0 58x - 2 2 3.882 (r=0 .970 4 ) ,蛹重越低 ,卵量越少。可以这么说 ,NPV直接影响成虫的卵量 ,在低剂量接种病毒情况下 ,成虫的繁殖力下降。
Spotted cutworm, Xestia c nigrum (Linnaeus),5 instar larvae were treated with nucleopolyhedrovirus(XcNPV) in the laboratory to assess whether the presence of virus could potentially explain reduced fecundity observed in declining field population of the host.The results indicated that pupal weights and female fecundity were reduced in survivors of virus treatment,but XcNPV could not directly affect longevity of adults.Regression between female pupal weight and fecundity for control and treated groups was ime of significant ,the regression epuations were y=3.058x-223.882 and y=3.147x-236.758 respectively.These experiments make clear that XcNPV has potential to cause reduces fecundity in field population of the spotted cutworm.