目的:探讨螺旋CT三维及四维重建对颈椎狭窄症的术前诊断价值。资料和方法:使用Ricker2000SV螺旋CT机对28例颈椎狭窄症患者进行螺旋扫描,在Voxe1Q工作站上进行三维表面遮盖法重建;以容积重建技术实现四维重建。对三维、四维图像进行多角度多层面拍片。结果:通过三维、四维重建能直观逼真地显示颈椎的立体结构,显示颈椎狭窄的具体细节。结论:将螺旋 CT三维及四维重建技术相结合,通过不同窗宽、窗位的调节,可以显示颈椎狭窄的多方面的细节,达到直观的效果,尤其是有手术适应症的病例,对于外科医生术前手术方案的制定有重要的指导作用。
Objective:To discuss the value and clinical signification of diagnosis of cervical spinal stenosis with 3-and 4-dimensional (3D and 4D) reconstruction of spiral CT.Methods: 28 patients with spinal stenosis of neck were scanned by Picker 2000SV CT scanner, and obtained data were treated in Voxe 1Q Work station,which include 3D reconstruction with shaded surface display technique and 4D re- construction with volumetric rending technique.Take the pictures of 3D and 4D reconstructional images in different views and planes. Results: with 3D and 4D reconstruction, spiral CT revealed directly and clearly the cubic structures of cervical vertebra and details of spinal stenosis of neck.Conclusion: Combination of 3D and 4D reconstruction of spiral CT makes it possible that every detail of spinal stenosis can be perceived derectly and distinctly in different window widths and window levels. Especially for the cases with operational indications, the pictures of 3D and 4D reconstruction are helpful for the orthopedists in designing an operative plan.
Journal of China Clinic Medical Imaging