
吸烟对大鼠晶状体的损害 被引量:1

Damage of Smoking to the Lens of Rats
摘要 目的以Wistar大鼠为实验对象 ,经过被动吸咽过程 ,使其吸入燃媒中的金属物质 ;再经检测大鼠晶状体中铁、钙含量和通过对晶状体病理检查 ,揭示吸烟对晶状体的损害。 方法选择 2 0只Wistar大鼠随机分成二组 ,其中一组每天被动吸烟 1h ;另一组为对照组 ,不给予被动吸烟。 6 0d后处死二组大鼠 ,一只眼的晶状体作病理检查 ,另一眼晶状体经处理后测定铁、钙含量。 结果被动吸烟组大鼠的晶状体中铁、钙含量高出对照组约 2倍 ,其前囊膜上皮细胞有白内障的病理特征性变化。 结论被动吸烟能使大鼠摄入烟草中的金属物质 ,并通过氧化还原反应和金属物质自身的毒性造成对晶状体的损害。 Objective To study lens damage by means of with measurement of metals in male wistar rats exposed to a cigarette smoke environment and discover metal damage of lens. Methods 20 male wistar rats were divided equally into two equal groups.They were feeded with standard rat chow and water. Rats of one group were exposed environment of cigarette smoke for an hour everyday with another group as a control. After sixty days all rats were killed;one len of each rat was used to measure iron and calcium;the other len was sent for pathological exam. Results We found measurements of iron, calciumwerehigherinthecigarettesmoke-exposedgroupwithcataractpathologicalchanges. Conclusion Wistar rats can absorb cigarette smoke metal materials passively,to cause lens damage by peroxidation reaction,and metal material toxicity itself.
作者 葛健 吴永杰
出处 《上海交通大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期59-61,共3页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University:Medical Science
关键词 晶状体 吸烟 氧化还原反应 len smoking peroxidation reaction iron calcium
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