目的 对江苏省麻风病流行病学进行调查分析,为今后如何开展麻防工作、完全消灭麻风病提供科学依据。方法 利用现有的历年全省麻风病基础资料进行分析研究。结果 江苏省历史上属于麻风病高流行地区, 100%县市、 90.90%乡镇均有麻风流行,各地的患者分布不均,相差较为悬殊,从 50年代初起,各地就积极地开展麻风病防治工作,经过了近 50年的努力,治愈了大批麻风患者。患病率、发病率、发现率等流行病学的指标均下降至 0.5/10万以下,近 3年无儿童病例发生,麻风病流行范围大大缩小。 结论 到 1998年底,全省仅有 307例现症患者。实现了全省以县(市)为单位,基本消灭麻风病的标准,并通过卫生部的考核确认。
Objective To analyze epidemiological trends of leprosy in Jiangsu Province and provide the scientific basis for formulating the strategies aiming at eradication of leprosy. Methods Leprosy records and the relevant data were used for the analysis. Results Jiangsu Province is a former leprosy- endemic area where leprosy was prevalent in 100% of counties/cities or 90.9% of townships with an uneven distribution of the disease in the past. Leprosy control was initiated in 1950s in Jiangsu Province. Through efforts for near 50 years, a lot of leprosy patients were cured and the prevalence, incidence and detection rates have decreased to less than 0.5 per 100 000 population. There was no leprosy in children in the past 3 years. Conclusion By the end of 1998, there had been 307 active leprosy cases. Jiangsu Province has achieved the basic elimination of leprosy in terms of county and passed the evaluation of Ministry of Health.
Chinese Journal of Dermatology