A large number of preeminent English teachers—"educationalists of English" are required for the 21st centuryeducation of China. "Educationalists of English" are those teachers who familiarize themselves with the language of English andtheories of education, who have proficient competence of English teaching, who possess noble personalities, and who cherish desiresfor creation as well as habits of research. Furthermore, all the above aspects should be combined organically. In order to completethe task of cultivating "educationalists of English", departments of English in teachers colleges ought to set up an educational level ofcultivating educationalists of English and seek for corresponding strategies in curriculum, teaching, training and the atmosphere ofcampus culture.
A large number of preeminent English teachers—'educationalists of English' are required for the 21st century education of China. 'Educationalists of English' are those teachers who familiarize themselves with the language of English and theories of education, who have proficient competence of English teaching, who possess noble personalities, and who cherish desires for creation as well as habits of research. Furthermore, all the above aspects should be combined organically. In order to complete the task of cultivating 'educationalists of English', departments of English in teachers colleges ought to set up an educational level of cultivating educationalists of English and seek for corresponding strategies in curriculum, teaching, training and the atmosphere of campus culture.
Journal of Yuncheng University