<Abstrct>Chongqing was the consularcenter of middle and western Chinain history. As early as 1890, 5 coun-tries, France, Great Britain, Ger-many, United States and Japan setup their consulates here succes-sively. During the time when Chongqing was the War Capital,foreign consulates gathered here.Beginning from January, 1938, lotsof foreign countries moves their em-bassies from Nanjing to Chongqing.Among them were the Soviet Union,France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy,Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands,Turkey, Chile, Norway, Australia,Burma, Mexico, Czech, India, Po-land, Canada, Brazil, Peru, Iran,Sweden, Argentina, Switzerland,theprovisional government of Korea andChina Branch of the InternationalLabour Bureau. From 1998 to March, 2000; 3of the 7 west countries have estab-lished their consulates in Chongqing.
The World & Chongqing