Introducing the key technique of spinning fine tex yarnson the friction spinner, deals mainly with the technologi-cal parameters of the carding device, conducting tubeand spinning drum for the friction spinning. The experi-mental results show that, the combing effect of pin drumis better than that of garnett; the combing length is a im-portant factor. The form and dimension of the conduct-ing tube influence the rate of fiber straightness and thedegree of fiber orientation. The little angle between theconducting tube and drum axis is good for fiber parallel-ism and straightness. The frictional ratio and the rate ofair flow influence the efficiency of twist.
Introducing the key technique of spinning fine tex yarns on the friction spinner, deals mainly with the technological parameters of the carding device, conducting tube and spinning drum for the friction spinning. The experimental results show that, the combing effect of pin drum is better than that of garnett; the combing length is a important factor. The form and dimension of the conducting tube influence the rate of fiber stralghtness and the degree of fiber orientation. The little angle between the conducting tube and drum axis is good for fiber parallelism and straightness. The frictional ratio and the rate of air flow influence the efficiency of twist.