基于VSTO创建的Excel工作簿解决方案,能够在工作簿程序中直接使用自定义的窗体控件,来实现用户对Excel表的操作功能。本文详细介绍了利用Visual C#2008在Excel2007中使用一组RadioButton控件提供用户选择图表类型的功铎,.尊功能可以更加灵活地进行垫妒坌耋干。
The VSTO can creat Excel worksheet solutions,in which directly use a custom windows controls to use the Excel table operation function.This paper describes in detail the use of a set of RadioButton controls in the Visual C# 2008 to provide the user to select the type of chart function,it can be more flexible for data analysis.
Computer CD Software and Application