Recently, garnet pyroxenite enclaves within peridotites occurring near Raobazhai, Huoshan County, have been discovered. The garnet pyroxenite is small pods, decimeters in size, enclosed within intensively serpentinized peridotites. Major mineral components comprise: garnet (Prpas-as), sodium augite (Jd 10-25) with a small amount of ilmenite. There are two stages of retro-metamorphism: the retrogressive granulite facies mineral assemblage is superimposed by that of amphibolite facies. The host rocks of the garnet pyroxenite are spinel peridotites, including spinel harzburgite and Iherzolite. Due to intensive serpentinitization, only 5%-40% of the relic olivine (Fo92-93) are preserved. The orthopyroxenes are Mg-rich (En87-93) with bending of cleavages and granulation at their margins showing intracrystalline plasticity. On the basis of garnet-clinopyroxene Fe-Mg exchange equilibrium geothermometry proposed by Ellis & Green (1979) and Krogh (1988) KD= 4.06 - 5.28; T= 793-919℃, P= 1.5 GPa are estimated for the garnet pyroxenite. It is inferred that the peridotites are mantle rocks about 60 km in depth. During the exhumation of the orogenic belt, it was tectonically emplaced into the lower crust in the solid state and then uplifted to the shallow depth. Obviously, this kind of garnet pyroxenite must be petrogenetically related to its host rock. The REE distribution pattern and the Ni-Co-Sc diagram reveal that they are chemically equivalent to the basaltic melt and ultramafic residua respectively derived from partial melting of mantle rocks.
Recently, garnet pyroxenite enclaves within peridotites occurring near Raobazhai, Huoshan County, have been discovered. The garnet pyroxenite is small pods, decimeters in size, enclosed within intensively serpentinized peridotites. Major mineral components comprise: garnet (Prpas-as), sodium augite (Jd 10-25) with a small amount of ilmenite. There are two stages of retro-metamorphism: the retrogressive granulite facies mineral assemblage is superimposed by that of amphibolite facies. The host rocks of the garnet pyroxenite are spinel peridotites, including spinel harzburgite and Iherzolite. Due to intensive serpentinitization, only 5%-40% of the relic olivine (Fo92-93) are preserved. The orthopyroxenes are Mg-rich (En87-93) with bending of cleavages and granulation at their margins showing intracrystalline plasticity. On the basis of garnet-clinopyroxene Fe-Mg exchange equilibrium geothermometry proposed by Ellis & Green (1979) and Krogh (1988) KD= 4.06 - 5.28; T= 793-919℃, P= 1.5 GPa are estimated