The integro-partial-differential equation that governs the dynamical behavior of homogeneous viscoelastic beams was established. The material of the beams obeys the Leaderman nonlinear constitutive relation. rn the case of two simply supported ends, the mathematical model is simplified into an integro-differential equation after a 2nd-order truncation by the Galerkin method. Then the equation is further reduced to an ordinary differential equation which is convenient to carry out numerical experiments. Finally, the dynamical behavior of Ist-order and 2nd-order truncation are numerically compared.
The integro-partial-differential equation that governs the dynamical behavior of homogeneous viscoelastic beams was established. The material of the beams obeys the Leaderman nonlinear constitutive relation. rn the case of two simply supported ends, the mathematical model is simplified into an integro-differential equation after a 2nd-order truncation by the Galerkin method. Then the equation is further reduced to an ordinary differential equation which is convenient to carry out numerical experiments. Finally, the dynamical behavior of Ist-order and 2nd-order truncation are numerically compared.
theNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(1 972 70 2 7)
ChinaPostdoc toralScienceFoundation