In order for optical interconnection technologies to be incorporated into the next generation parallel computers, new optoelectronic computer aided design, integration, and packaging technologies must be investigated. One of the key issues in designing is the system volume, which is determined by maximum interconnection distance(MID) between PEs. A novel 2 D genetic algorithm was presented in this paper at the first time, and used to solve the placement of twin butterfly multistage networks based on transmissive physical model. The experiment result shows that this algorithm case works better than other algorithm cases.
In order for optical interconnection technologies to be incorporated into the next generation parallel computers, new optoelectronic computer aided design, integration, and packaging technologies must be investigated. One of the key issues in designing is the system volume, which is determined by maximum interconnection distance(MID) between PEs. A novel 2 D genetic algorithm was presented in this paper at the first time, and used to solve the placement of twin butterfly multistage networks based on transmissive physical model. The experiment result shows that this algorithm case works better than other algorithm cases.
Defense Science and Technology Pre- re-search Foundation Project!under Con-tract98J2 .5.8.JW0 30 1