In this paper, the integrated software system named PRDII(Project Range Distribution of Ion Implantation), which is based on the transport theory and Monte Carlo method and is developed by ourselves for range distribution of ion implantation, is introduced. The system generally possess versatility., efficiency and practicality. As for versatility, the system can build and utilize the parameter bank of various ions and material bank of various parts, can calculate the range distributions of implanted ions in the target for various conditions, such as for different incident ions, for different compositions and shapes of targets, for different energies.. doses and angles of incidence; As for efficiency, the computations are accelerated greatly by using some numerical simulating formulae instead of numerical iterative solutions in key procedure and using fixed fly path instead of random fly path; As for practicality, the preassumptions of the simulation are more close to the reality and the simulating results are more accurate in that the sputtering and the dynamic changes of target composition during penetration are considered and the advanced Monte Carlo method is used. Compared to other similar software, such as famous TRIM[1] and SASAMAL[2], it is more beautiful for interface, more convenient for operation, It can call, compute.. compare.. comment, copy and print all curves needed, and the simulating results consist with the experiments very well.
In this paper, the integrated software system named PRDII(Project Range Distribution of Ion Implantation), which is based on the transport theory and Monte Carlo method and is developed by ourselves for range distribution of ion implantation, is introduced. The system generally possess versatility., efficiency and practicality. As for versatility, the system can build and utilize the parameter bank of various ions and material bank of various parts, can calculate the range distributions of implanted ions in the target for various conditions, such as for different incident ions, for different compositions and shapes of targets, for different energies.. doses and angles of incidence; As for efficiency, the computations are accelerated greatly by using some numerical simulating formulae instead of numerical iterative solutions in key procedure and using fixed fly path instead of random fly path; As for practicality, the preassumptions of the simulation are more close to the reality and the simulating results are more accurate in that the sputtering and the dynamic changes of target composition during penetration are considered and the advanced Monte Carlo method is used. Compared to other similar software, such as famous TRIM[1] and SASAMAL[2], it is more beautiful for interface, more convenient for operation, It can call, compute.. compare.. comment, copy and print all curves needed, and the simulating results consist with the experiments very well.