一、家电类上市公司实行网络化重组的进程 3、4月份是传统产业纷纷加入互联网大军实施其网络发展战略的时期,作为最市场化的传统行业,家电业上市公司成了全面触网、积极实施的主力军。先后有美菱、海尔、美的、春兰、科龙等几家上市公司公布了进行网络化重组的方案或表示了对这方面的关注,一时间家电行业触网成为经济发展和网络经济着陆中国的一件大事。 1.家电公司的重组模式与投资额以具体的触网方式看。
Since the beginning of this year,listed companies producing household
Appliances,the most market-oriented traditional industry,have launched internet operations one after another. Companies such as Meiling, Haier,Meidi,Chunlan,Kelong have published their reorganization plans for on-line business.Other companies have shown great interest in the Internet.Experts have mixed opinions about this trend.In this article,the author makes an analysis on the listed companies' re-organization mode, investment,marketing and other changes in their e-business,and conclude the Internet offers abundant opportunities for electricalappliances,and the electrical appliance industry constitutes a vast market for the Internet.
China Appliance