《诗经》中双音迭词 ,在经文中占很大比重。自毛传以来 ,注家蜂起 ,著作迭出 ,然阙漏、误释者甚多。本文就现存诗经中出现的 6 73个迭词 ,一一作了疏理、分类 ,依照章氏“义自音衍”之说 ,以陈奂《诗毛氏传疏》的音诂为主 ,间取郝氏《尔雅义疏》 ,分为拟声、写情、状物、借词四大类 ,分别举例阐述 ,以收隅反之效。论述中力求准确 ,或匡正或补苴 ,以利诗经的学习与研究。
The Reiterative Locutions in 《The Book of songs》account for quite a proportion.Since Mao Chuan,there appeared many annotators and their works,though there were many oversights and omissions,or even errors.The author has put all the 673 reiterative locutions together,classinfied them,and put them into three categories of onomatopoeia,conveying feelings and describing things,and loanwords with help of achievements of the previous scholars.The author tries to explain them accurately with examples.Now and then the author tries to correct the errors or make up the oversights for the future study of 《The Book of Songs》.
《The Book of Songs》,reiterative locutions,probe into the origin of