第二语言学习过程中的母语干扰与文化干扰现象是国内外迁移研究的两项重要内容 ,但本文作者认为 ,由于文化与语言之间的密切关系 ,母语干扰与文化干扰之间也应该存在着一定的联系。为探讨这一联系 ,本文选取了中国学生英语作文在句法与篇章上存在的迁移作为研究对象 ,通过分析 ,认为这些作文中一些使英语本族人感到陌生 ,甚至不能接受的特点不仅是汉语干扰的结果 ,也是中国传统思维模式干扰的产物。具体来说 ,由于中国人与美国人倾向于使用不同的思维模式 ,而思维模式在一定程度上决定着语篇的语言特色与修辞传统 ,中国学生在对此不甚了解的情况下 ,就会把汉语在中国传统思维模式影响下形成的某些特色带入到所作的英语作文当中 。
Trying to seek the interrelationship between L1 interference and cultural interference,this thesis has focused on transfer at the syntactic and discourse level of Chinese EFL learners' English compositions and demonstrated that when certain features of these compositions,unfamiliar or unacceptable to native English speakers,can be accounted as the result of learners' L1 interference,they can be further evidences of interference from Chinese traditional thought patterns;that is,because the Chinese and Americans hold different thought patterns and thought patterns,to a certain extent,will determine patterns of language and rhetorical conventions in a culture,Chinese EFL learners,unaware of that,tend to transfer some distinctive features of Chinese into their English compositions.Thus,interference arises.
L1 interference,cultural interference,thought patterns