An anaerobic/oxic membrane bioreactor (A/O MBR) was used for treatment of dyeing wastewater from a woolen mill. COD and color of the wastewater were 54—473 mg/L and 40—400 dilution time (DT) respectively. The ratio of BOD 5/COD was less than 0.13. By the A/O MBR process, the average removal of COD, BOD 5, color and turbidity was 82%, 96%, 71% and 99%, respectively. The average COD, BOD 5, color and turbidity of effluent was 37 mg/L, 0.8 mg/L, 40 DT and 0.44 NUT respectively. The effluent COD met the local standard of reuse water in Beijing, China. The average COD volume load of the anaerobic biological tank was 0.0483 kgCOD/(m 3·d) and that of the aeration tank of the MBR was 0.3589 kgCOD/(m 3·d). The sludge load of the MBR was 0.19 kgCOD/(kg·MLSS·d) on average and the maximum of that was 0.4 kgCOD/(kg·MLSS·d). The flux of the A/O membrane bioreactor could be remained at larger than 50 L/(h·m 2·0.1MPa). The results indicated that A/O membrane bioreactor has technical feasibility for treatment of woolen mill wastewater.
An anaerobic/oxic membrane bioreactor (A/O MBR) was used for treatment of dyeing wastewater from a woolen mill. COD and color of the wastewater were 54—473 mg/L and 40—400 dilution time (DT) respectively. The ratio of BOD 5/COD was less than 0.13. By the A/O MBR process, the average removal of COD, BOD 5, color and turbidity was 82%, 96%, 71% and 99%, respectively. The average COD, BOD 5, color and turbidity of effluent was 37 mg/L, 0.8 mg/L, 40 DT and 0.44 NUT respectively. The effluent COD met the local standard of reuse water in Beijing, China. The average COD volume load of the anaerobic biological tank was 0.0483 kgCOD/(m 3·d) and that of the aeration tank of the MBR was 0.3589 kgCOD/(m 3·d). The sludge load of the MBR was 0.19 kgCOD/(kg·MLSS·d) on average and the maximum of that was 0.4 kgCOD/(kg·MLSS·d). The flux of the A/O membrane bioreactor could be remained at larger than 50 L/(h·m 2·0.1MPa). The results indicated that A/O membrane bioreactor has technical feasibility for treatment of woolen mill wastewater.
Foundationitem :theNationalKeyScienceandTechnologyProjectduringtheNinthFive yearPlanPeriod (No .96 90 9 0 5 0 3)