目的 寻找術后復發率低,角膜上皮修復快,简单易行的翼状胬肉手術方法。方法 置泪道探针于翼状胬肉頸部下,由翼状胬肉頭部舆角膜之间缓缓擀出,使翼状胬肉顾部舆角膜完全分離。结果 頸部啓始翼状胬肉切除176只眼,術后三個月復查,復發24例,占13.63%,低于国内20-30%的復發率。结论 頸部啓始逆向分離翼状胬肉切除術操作简单易行,角膜缘及角膜上皮基底组織损伤小,保證了充分的干细胞轉向分化,術后復發率低,確为手術治療翼状胬肉的有效方法。
Objective To study a simple pterygium excision procedure with lower recurrent rate and rapid corneal epithelium reconstruction. Methods A lacrimal probe was placed under neck of pterygium and completely dissociated between cornea and head of pterygium. Results The follow up period was 3 months.The recurrent rate of pterygium after was 13.63% ,lower than the 20-30% recurrent rate reported in China. Conclusion Pterygium excision with back dissociation from neck is simply conducted and causes less damage to corneal limbal epitheliumand stromal tissue.There are enough limbal stem cells to be differentiated.Moreover, the recurrent rate is low.It is effective for pterygium.
International Eye Science