
H_∞回路成形半挂汽车列车鲁棒控制器设计 被引量:3

H_∞ loop shaping robust controller design for tractor-semitrailer
摘要 在路面参考坐标系下建立了半挂汽车列车模型,分析了牵引车侧向位移响应特性。将鲁棒控制理论和算法应用于半挂汽车列车干扰控制的研究。针对开环不稳情况,运用标称受控对象前后加权、规范化左互质因式分解等方法设计了H∞回路成形控制器。该控制器具有良好的鲁棒稳定性,能够稳定有干扰情况下的车辆系统,满足道路条件要求,使侧向偏移量保持在较小数值下。 A model was built for the tractor-semitrailer in the road reference frame to analyze the response of the tractor-semitrailer to the tractor lateral displacement.The robust control theory and algorithm were used to study the disturbance control of the tractor-semitrailer.A H∞ loop-shaping controller was designed by techniques such as the pre-and/or post-weighting of the nominal controlled object and the normalized left coprime faetorization.The designed controller appears to be characterized by a good trade-off between the driving performance and the robust stability,ensuring the driving performance of the tractor-semitrailer under the lateral force disturbance with little lateral track shift.
出处 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1571-1576,共6页 Journal of Jilin University:Engineering and Technology Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50878095 51078167) '十一五'国家科技支撑计划项目(2009BAG13A04)
关键词 交通运输安全工程 路面参考坐标系 侧向力干扰 半挂汽车列车 H∞回路成形 鲁棒控制 engineering of communications and transportation safety road reference frame lateral force disturbance tractor-semitrailer H∞ loop-shaping robust control
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