Single phases of ammonium penta and tetra molybdates were prepared. The massic heat capacities at normal pre ssure below their decomposition temperatures were measured by drop method. The relationships of the massic heat capacities of ammonium molybdates with those of the decomposition products were also discussed. The results show that the massic heat capacities of ammonium molybdates can be estimated by adding together contributions from their decomposition products, and the less change of chemical bonds, the more accurate of the estimation.
Single phases of ammonium penta- and tetra- molybdates were prepared. The massic heat capacities at normal pressure below their decomposition temperatures were measured by drop method. The relationships of the massic heat capacities of ammonium molybdates with those of the decomposition products were also discussed. The results show that the massic heat capacities of ammonium molybdates can be estimated by adding together contributions from their decomposition products, and the less change of chemical bonds, the more accurate of the estimation.
The Doctorate Program Fund of China(No.9553305)