
Base-level Chang and Sequence Stratigraphy of Lishu Fault Lacustrine Basin

Base-level Chang and Sequence Stratigraphy of Lishu Fault Lacustrine Basin
摘要 Base-level is a kind of surface which controls sedimentation and erosion. So, it can be concluded that it is base-level change that controls the formation and internal structure of a sequence. A single cycle of base-level change can generate four sets of different stacking patterns. They are two sets of aggradation, one progradation and one retrogradation, which affects the features of the internal structure of a sequence. Lishu fault subsidence of Songliao basin is a typical half-graben lacustrine basin. Comprehensive base-level change analysis indicates that six base-level cycles and their related six sequences can be recognized between T 4 and T 5 seismic reflection surface. The contemporaneous fault is the main controlling factor of the fault lacustrine basin. There are obvious differences exist in the composition of sedimentary systems and all systems tracts between its steep slope (the side that basin control fault existed) and flat slope. Except highstand systems tract is composed of fan delta-lacustrine system, lowstand systems tract, transgressive systems tract and regressive systems tract are all made up of fan delta-underwater fan-lacustrine sedimentary systems in the side of steep slope. Base-level is a kind of surface which controls sedimentation and erosion. So, it can be concluded that it is base-level change that controls the formation and internal structure of a sequence. A single cycle of base-level change can generate four sets of different stacking patterns. They are two sets of aggradation, one progradation and one retrogradation, which affects the features of the internal structure of a sequence. Lishu fault subsidence of Songliao basin is a typical half-graben lacustrine basin. Comprehensive base-level change analysis indicates that six base-level cycles and their related six sequences can be recognized between T 4 and T 5 seismic reflection surface. The contemporaneous fault is the main controlling factor of the fault lacustrine basin. There are obvious differences exist in the composition of sedimentary systems and all systems tracts between its steep slope (the side that basin control fault existed) and flat slope. Except highstand systems tract is composed of fan delta-lacustrine system, lowstand systems tract, transgressive systems tract and regressive systems tract are all made up of fan delta-underwater fan-lacustrine sedimentary systems in the side of steep slope.
机构地区 Jilin University
出处 《Global Geology》 2000年第1期70-76,共7页 世界地质(英文版)
关键词 Base-level FAULT LACUSTRINE basin SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHIC model Songliao bas Base-level, Fault lacustrine basin, Sequence stratigraphy, Sequence stratigraphic model, Songliao bas
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