Micrometeorological data for wind and temperature from a 325 m high tower in Beijing City are analyzed by use of local similarity theory. Non-dimensional wind and temperature gradients, Phi(m) and Phi(h), are determined by three techniques called, respectively, eddy-correlation, mean profiles and inertia-subrange cospectra (ISC) method for a wide range of atmospheric stratification from unstable to stable conditions. Average dissipation rate Phi(e) of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) is evaluated from u-spectrum, as a quantity required in the last technique. Ratio of the eddy transfer coefficients, alpha(= K-h / K-m), is calculated from Phi(m) and Phi(h) estimations. The results from various techniques are compared with each other and with some available empirical results in the tower-layer, It is shown that the empirical relationships determined by mean profiles and ISC methods in the lower-layer turbulence ore in agreement with each other and with some other results.
Micrometeorological data for wind and temperature from a 325 m high tower in Beijing City are analyzed by use of local similarity theory. Non-dimensional wind and temperature gradients, Phi(m) and Phi(h), are determined by three techniques called, respectively, eddy-correlation, mean profiles and inertia-subrange cospectra (ISC) method for a wide range of atmospheric stratification from unstable to stable conditions. Average dissipation rate Phi(e) of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) is evaluated from u-spectrum, as a quantity required in the last technique. Ratio of the eddy transfer coefficients, alpha(= K-h / K-m), is calculated from Phi(m) and Phi(h) estimations. The results from various techniques are compared with each other and with some available empirical results in the tower-layer, It is shown that the empirical relationships determined by mean profiles and ISC methods in the lower-layer turbulence ore in agreement with each other and with some other results.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant! No.49735170.