记述了采自我国南方地林区的龟蝽 ,经鉴定建立了 1新属 (叶龟蝽属 ,新属 Phyllomegacopta Ren,gen. nov.) ,3新种 (考奔叶龟蝽 ,新种 ,Phyllomegacopta cobbeni Ren,sp. nov.,福建叶龟蝽 ,新种Phyllomegacopta fujianensis Ren,sp. nov.及陇瑞豆龟蝽 ,新种 Megacopta longruiana Ren,sp. nov.)。另外有一个种的新组合 :巨叶龟蝽 Phyllomegacopta majuscula (Hsiao et Jen) comb. nov. (=Megacop tamajuscula Hsiao et Jen)。本文还包括一个新同物异名 (月圆龟蝽 Cop tosoma lunata Ren =刺盾圆龟蝽Cop tosoma lasciva Bergroth ) .附 :叶龟蝽属 ,新属 Phyllomegacopta Ren,=刺盾圆龟蝽 Coptosoma lascivaBergroth) .种检索表及五种特征图 (图 1- 4 2 )。模式种标本保存在南开大学生物系 。
This paper report that one new genus and three new species of the plastaspid bugs from South China. Among them two new species belong to Phyllomegacopta Ren, gen. nov., other one new species belong to Megacopta Hsiao et Jen, also including one new synonym (Coptosoma lunata Ren = Coptosoma lasciva Bergroth), one combination is suggested (Phyllomegacopta majuscula Hsiao et Jen, comb. nov.) and provide detailed illustrations for above species { including Megacopta cribraria (Fabricius)} (Figs.1-42) . Measuments are given millimeters. The type specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Nankai University. The new genus and new species are here briefly diagnosed.Phyllomegacopta Ren, gen. nov. This genus is close to Megacopta Hsiao et Jen in body appearance, above with coarse punctures and feature of legs, but head shape, sublateral area of ventrite marked, genitiala outline and structure conspicuous different, particul conjunctical lobes of aedeagus with strongly sclerotized region at apices; base of paramere stem-like, middle area wider and slightly twisted, tipe obscure. The new genus conspicuous differ from type species Megacopta cribraria (Fabricius) (figs. 1-5) of Megacopta Hsiao et Jen . Type species: Megacopta majuscula Hsiao et Jen Phyllomegacopta cobbeni Ren, sp. nov. (figs. 6-15) Body fuscous, with yellow making. Central lobe of head uniformly dark riddish brown, shining and convex; vertexal base and inner area of eyes, black; lateral lobes yellow, bearing sparse fuscous punctate; puncturing of scutellum shagreening stronger. Peritreme of mtathoracic scent-gland with yellow-brown at apex. Legs yellow-brownish, femora with fuscous points. Abdomen black, shining at disk, with transversely punctate; half-ring shape yellow spot at sub-lateral margins region. Male body length 5.6, width 5.4. Head length 1.1, width 1.8. Length of antennal segments I: II: III: IV = 0.35: 0.58; 0.44: 0.50. Length of pronotum 1.8, width of between lateral angles 4.4; width of scutellum 5.4, length 3.3. Male genital segment sub-rounded in outline, slightly wider than long (width 1.2: length 1.0); paramere with rounded tip and curved, basal portion very narrower than middle part; phallosoma shorter and thick, two pair of conjunctival l obes at anterior portion of aedeagus, apices of conjunctival lobes in slightly sclerotized. Holotype, male, April, 14, 1980, Haikou County, Hainan Province (20.02oN, 110.2oE), Ren Shu-zhi leg. This species is allied to Phyllomegacopta majuscula (Hsiao et Jen) in body colour, spots of scutellum, coarsely punctate, but can be separated from it by the following characters: body smaller, central lobe of head in shiny and very convex; abdomen beneath with half-ring shaped yellow mark at sublateral margin of each sternum, and structure of male genital segments conspicuous different. Phyllomegacopta fujianensis Ren, sp. nov. (figs. 16-30) Body black. Body length 5.8, width 5.5; feature of paramere as shown in figs.19-23, conjunctival lobes of aedeagus with sclerotized structure (apices of dorso-latera distal conjunctival lobes, sclerotized strongly), apices of ventro-lateral distal conjunctival lobes in complete membranous but basal portion with sclerotized regionThis new species allied to Phyllomegacopta majuscula (Hsiao et Jen, 1977) in body appearance, above with coarse punctures and outline of male genitalia, but differs from the latter in that: head black (except yellowish point between ocelli), middle lobe of head conspicuous convex upward, lateral lobes with distinct crease; sublateral area of ventrite with yellowish kidney-like marked; paramere shorter; apical portion of ventro-lateral distal conjunctival lobes in membranous saccule, without sclerotized. structure. Holotype: male, July, 18. 1982, Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Province (26.5°N, 116.4°E), Ren Shu-zhi. Phyllomegacopta majuscula (Hsiao et Jen, 1977) comb. nov. (figs31-40) Magacopta majuscula Hsiao et Jen, 1977. A handbook for the determinatio
Wuyi Science Journal
new genus
new species