Objective To study the effect of arachidonic acid and kupffer cell- conditioned medium(KCCM) derived from arachidonic acid on proIiferation of hepatic stellatecells(HSC) in rats. Methods HSCs were isolated and cultured from the liver of Wistar ratsby in situ per fusion with pronase and collagenase, as well as by density gradientcentrifugation with Nycodenz. HSC and KC were identificated by immunohistochemistry,endocytosis, and ultrastructure, ect; KCCM were prepared, and HSC proliferation wasdetected by MTT colorimentric assay. Res'Its Arachidonic acid had an effect on prol-iferati0n of HSC; 25pg/ml of arachidonic acid promoted HSC proliferation(P<0.01),but 5O,100pg/ml arachidonic acid had an inhibitory effect, and showed cytotoxity on HSC under theinverted microscope; Compared with the control and KCCM, KCCM+arachidonic acid mightpromote HSC proliferation (P<0.01). KCCM was greater in HSC proliferation than control,but there was no significance statistically (P>0.O5). ConcIusion Arachidonic acid maypromote HSC proliferation, but increased concentration can have cytotoxity. Ara-chidonic acid and KCCM stimulated by it may promote HSC proliferation and be ass0ciatedwith hepatic fibrogenesis by lipid peroxidation.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University:Medical Science