
水稻细条病与白叶枯病菌间互作 被引量:3

Interaction between the strains of bacterial leaf stripe and bacterial leaf blight
摘要 为探讨两病菌间相互作用对两病发生、严重度的影响 ,用平板双层交叉培养法测定 86株水稻细条病菌与 2 4株白叶枯病菌间的相互抑制作用。测定结果表明 ,两病菌间存在着 4种作用类型 , .两菌交互抑制 ; .细条病菌抑制白叶枯病菌 ; .白叶枯病菌抑制细条病菌 ; .白叶枯病菌与细条病菌无交互抑制作用。细条病菌在 、 、 类型中的比例 (占供试菌株 ,下同 )分别为 4 .65%、 13.95%和 81.4 0 % ;白叶枯病菌在 、 、 类型中的比例分别为 12 .5%、 8.33%和 79.17%。选各类型代表菌株用针刺加喷雾法 ,分别混合接种稻叶进行相互作用试验结果 ,两病菌在同一叶片上均有其对应的典型病理症状。在 、 、 、 类型中 ,混接的细条病病指比单接病指分别相差 - 2 .0 7、2 .4 0、 - 2 .52、- 0 .2 4 ;混接的白叶枯病病指比单接病指分别相差 - 0 .89、- 6.4 2、 - 0 .18、 3.18。研究结果表明 ,被抑制菌株其混接发病严重度均轻于单接 ; The cultural method with double layer intersect plate was used for determining mutual inhibition among 86 strains of bacterial leaf stripe and 24 strains of bacterial leaf blight to explore their interaction to cause the disease seriousness. The result showed there were four types: Ⅰ.two strains were mutally inhibited;Ⅱ.bacterial leaf stripe(BLS) strain inhibited bacterial leaf blight(BLB) strain;Ⅲ.BLB strain inhibited BLS strain;Ⅳ.there was no inhibition between two strains. In Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ types, the proportion of BLS were 4 65%,13 95% and 81 40%,respectively. In Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ types, the proportion of BLB were 12 5%,8 33% and 79 1%,respectively. The rice leaves were inoculates with both mixed strains by using acupuncture and spray treatment. The result showed both pathogenic bacteria had its own typical symptoms on the same leaf. In Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ types, disease index of BLS in mixed inoculation were -2 07,2 40,-2 52,-0 24,respectively, the difference was higher than in single inoculation. disease index of BLB in mixed inoculation were -0 89,-6 42,-0 18,3 18,respectively, the difference was higher than in compared with single inoculation. The result showed the disease seriousness of mixed inoculation by inhibited strains were less than single inoculation, but the disease index wasn't the same as inhibited strains in non\|inhibited strains.
出处 《福建农业学报》 CAS 1999年第S1期40-44,共5页 Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
关键词 水稻 细条病 白叶枯病 相互作用 Rice Bacterial leaf stripe Bacterial leaf blight Interaction
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