本文首先从太阳大气中活动现象的基础研究、中期和短期太阳活动预报应用研究与服务、起源于太阳的向地运行事件的发现与监测以及日地空间扰动现象的多方向的同时的实地取样观测等几方面, 论述实现人造行星观测的必要; 在第二部分, 提出人造双行星与地球组成对太阳和行星际空间进行三点观测的建议; 第三部分阐述这种观测可能解决的科学问题及在实用服务方面的巨大贡献;
A Solar and interplanetary observational system composed of two artificial planets and the earth is suggested for the solar-terrestrial study and prediction The two planets should move along the earth′s orbit around the sun The angle distance between the two planets and between them with the earth is 120° This system can be used to improve greatly the short-term,midiu-mterm solar activity predictions and monitor an earth-toward coronal mass ejection,giving an accurate warning of a solar-terrestrial disturbance Observational data obtained by this system would be very useful in a model work of solar wind and an evolution study of structures in solar atmosphere such as solar active regions and magnetic fields with various scales Key words:Solar observation;Solar wind Observation; Artificial Planet observational system The diagnostic methods of coronal magnetic fields by radio spectral observations to deduce magnetic topotogy. (5) The study of radio indication of catastrophic solar events to supply solar activity and alarm of solar therrestrical environment.
Progress in Geophysics