Artemisia frigida population was studied with 4 different treatments at the Ecological Rehabilitation Plot and Desertified Rangeland Rehabilitation Plot of Naiman Desertification Research Station. Sixty plants were divided into 4 groups randomly in spring and treated as ( T 1 ) half cut of the branch from the middle ; ( T 2 ) cut of the branch from the ground; ( T 3 ) cover sandy soil 3 ̄5 cm on plants and ( T 4 ) contrast group. The examination results show that there is no negative influence on A. frigida vegetative growing and progenitive branch formulation of cutting in spring. But the significant negative influence on growing of cutting in summer. The biomass of A.firigida from more times cutting is higher than that from once cutting during the growth season. The different treatments produced the biomass of one plant as follows: 25.2 g( T 1 ), 27.4 g( T 2 ), 24.7 g ( T 3 ) and 22.0 g( T 4 ) respectively. It is proved that A. frigida is a kind of semi bush with thick branches and dense adventitious buds on the branch, normally, 2 ̄4 sprouted new buds of each 1 cm stubble after pruning. The adventitious roots grow out from old prostrated branch and formed a new plant. A.frigida propagated population by both vegetative and generative reproduction.
Journal of Desert Research
Artemisia frigida population\ Grazing resistance mechanism\ Reproduction property