通过选择性培养从石油废水污染的土壤中分离出一株以环己烷为唯一碳源和能源的降解菌株 L H G1 ,对 L H G1 菌株的降解特性进行了研究.确定 L H G1 菌株最适培养条件为:培养时间60 ~100 h 、环己烷浓度460 ~770 mg/ L、p H6 ~8 、ρ( Na Cl) = 10 g L- 1 、θ= 25 ~40 ℃. L H G1 菌株能够利用环烷烃代谢的中间产物环己酮和环戊酮.此外, L H G1 菌株还能降解液体石蜡、固体石蜡、萘和苯酚等链烃。
A bacterium strain LHG1 using cyclohexane as the sole source of carbon and energy was isolated by selective culture from petroleum wastewater contaminated soils. The degradation characteristics and the optional culture conditions of the strain were oblained as: time 60~100 h, cyclohexane mass concentration 460~770 mg/L,pH 6~8, ρ (NaCl)=10 g L -1 , θ =25~40℃. Starain LHG1 could not only utilize the intermediate products of cycloalkanes-clohexanone and cyclopentanone, but also could degrade alkane, aromatic hydrocarbon and phenols, such as liquid paraffin,solid paraffin, naphthalene and phenol.
Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
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