报道湖南匙指虾二新属、三新种和一新组合。新属为拟米虾属Paracaridina gen.nov.和缺鞭米虾属 Mancicaris gen. nov,新种为中华缺鞭米虾 Mancicaris sinensis sp. nov.、刺足米虾Caridina spinosipes sp. nov.和寡刺米虾 Caridina oligospina sp. nov,新组合为长刺拟米虾 Paracaridinalongispina comb. nov。
The present paper deals with two new genera, three new species and a new combination of atyid shrimps. The specimens were collected from Hunan Province in 1996. Paracaridina gen. nov. The carapace has an antennal spine, but has no supraorbital one. Carpus of the ha two legs is antariorly excavated. There are & pairs of branchiae. The base of the 1st leg has no arthrobranch. Type species: Caridina longispina Guo et He 1992. Paracaridina longispina (Guo et He, 1992) comb. nov. Mancicaris gen. nov. The carapace has an antennal spine. The eye is without pigment. The exopod of the 1st maxilliped has no flagellum. The branchiae are similar to Paracaridina. Type species: Mancicaris sinensis sp. nov. Mancicaris sinensis sp. nov. Rostrum is short. The dorsal border bears 4 - 8 teeth, the ventral border bears no tooth. Endopod of 1st male pleopod is leaf-shaped. The appendix masculina is rod-shaped. Type locality: Tianxin, Lanshan. Caridina H. Milne-Edwards Caridina spinosipes sp. nov. This new species is closely allied with Caridina disparidentata Liang et al., but differs from the lame in the following features: 1. rostrum is short and unarmed; 2. the 3rd leg is similar long in both sexes, and bears a lot of spines at the inner surfaces of carpus and propudus; 3. the spine of the appendix masculina is small and numerous. Type locality: Mull, Fenghuang. Caridina oligospina sp. nov. This new species is closely ailled with Caridina spinosipes sp. nov., but differs from the latter in the following features: 1. rostrum is curved upwards at the tip; 2. the shape and stature of the endopod of the 1st male pleiopod and appendix mascalina are different. Type locality: Mull, Fenghuang.
Journal of Fisheries of China
Atyid shrimp, new genus, new species, new combination