1998年,四川省的经济发展速度虽然略高于全国的平均增长速度,但从实际引进外资占全社会固定资产总额的比重、出口依存度以及出口增长对国民生产总值增长的贡献率来看,却明显低于全国的平均水平。 四川省的经济总量占全国的4.5%,而实际利用外资和出口总值仅占全国的1.8%和0.9%。即经济总量占全国近1/20,而实际利用外资仅占全国近1/50,出口还不到全国的1/100,同一个大省的地位极不相称。 为推进四川省的对外开放,今后在招商引资中应侧重以下工作: 第一,对内开放和对外开放同时并举,把对沿海省市的招商引资摆在同对境外、国外的招商引资同等重要的位置。作为一个内陆农业大省。
To further develop Sichuan province into an open economy, we shall stress the following aspects of our foreign investment attracting and absorbing.1. Simultaneously promote foreign investment and domestic investment, and place attracting domestic investments from coastal provinces and cities at the same level of significance as foreign investments.2. Work hard to improve our investment environment to raise the attractiveness and competitiveness to prospective investors.3. Taking into consideration the local circumstances, we shall concentrate on the center issues of our economic development to launch constantly attractive investment projects.4. Make unremitting efforts to pursue multinationals and international financial groups. And make this effort a top priority in international cooperation.5. Adopt multiple methods, which include conducting special seminars and investment consultation sessions locally or abroad and using all possible media, to promote the awareness of Sichuan province as a favorable investment destination around the world.
Foreign Investment in China