改革开放20年来,武汉市累计审批外资项目4722个,实际利用外资66.1亿美元。外资已成为武汉建设资金、技术创新、管理创新、出口创汇的重要来源。1998年,全市外商投资企业主营业务收入占国内生产总值15.5%,工业外商投资企业主营收入占工业领域国内生产总值33.6%;外资占固定资产投资比重达25%左右。据初步测算,利用外资对全市GDP拉动作用约为11个百分点。 武汉市引进和利用外资工作呈现如下特点: 一是利用外资结构正在发生变化,外资来源从港澳台逐步转向欧美日。1985—1992年,这一时期武汉市利用外资主要以间接利用外资为主。外商直接投资主要来源于香港、澳门、台湾等地,投资领域也主要集中于一般加工工业项目,资本、技术含量相对较低,主要属于劳动密集型产业。
This article reviews Wuhan's foreign investment utilization history since the inception of the open-door policy and thecurrent situation, followed by a discussion of the 'Seven MoreImportant Issues' in the coming century.1. The successful implementation of projects is more important than the propaganda and promotion of projects.2. A good investment environment is more important than incentive policies.3. Direct cooperation with foreign companies is more important than direct import of their technologies.4. Cooperation with multinationals is more important than sporadic and scattered investments.5. The quality of investment is more important than the quantity.6. The on-going management of investment projects in their later stages is more important than the initial absorbing of capital and technologies.7. Improving the professional competence of our government officials is more important than enthusiastically staging warm receptions for out prospective investors.
Foreign Investment in China