改革开放20年来,外资从进入黑龙江开始,就在全省经济发展中产生了重要影响,加快了黑龙江省由一次创业向二次创业转变的步伐。20年来,外商投资以其资本、技术、信息、管理等诸多优势,完成了在我省的创业和积累,并逐步发展壮大,形成了一个独具特色的经济成份。截至到1999年底,全省外商投资企业已达6000家,协议外资额65亿美元,实际利用外资40亿美元。实践证明,外资已成为全省经济发展过程中不可或缺的重要力量。 随着新世纪的到来,全球经济一体化的趋势愈加明显,中国经济必须在这一潮流的推动下走向繁荣,黑龙江经济不可能也不应该置身其外,利用外资是我们融入一体化的捷径;
The dawning of the new century brought with it challenges and opportunities. Taking into consideration the circumstances of our province, We shall actively and earnestly do a more effective job in attracting and absorbing foreign investments.1. Encourage foreign investors to invest in projects of natural resource exploitations. Take advantage of their hi-tech strength to take up deep processing of agricultural and sideline products. This will help the forming of industry leaders and industry specialty.2. Develop hi-tech related industries to improve competitiveness. This should help to generate knowledge-based, innovation-oriented and leading-edge projects.3. Encourage foreign investments to participate in our reform of the state owned enterprises through buying shares, merger/acquisition or other forms. Develop key projects that are promising to have scale advantages.4. Stress the continuing build-up of our infrastructures, and encourage foreign investors to enter by different means the infrastructure related businesses. Develop projects that are in great need and capable of becoming new growth spots and radiating their influences. Emphasis should be seeking foreign cooperation in transportation, energy, and municipal environment protection.5. Explore how financial services, insurance, service industry, retailing, and communications industry can benefit from absorbing foreign investments. Develop certain projects as testing ground aimed at gaining helpful experiences for the integration of our economy into the global system.
Foreign Investment in China