母猪产后子宫炎- 乳房炎- 无乳综合症在一些集 约化养猪场发病率高、危害严重,本 文介绍了国内外目前对该病的研究状况,在流行病学、发病机理、临床 症状、临床诊 断及防治等 方面作了综 合论述,特别在新药防治上作了详尽的阐述。
The incidence of Metritis-Mastitis-Agalactia syndrome in sows is relatively high on some large scale pig farms In this review,brief description about this syndrome at home and abroad are made in research situation at present, epidemiology、pathogenesis、clinical symptoms、clinical diagnosis and treatment,especially in the treatment using new products
Guangdong Journal of Animal and Veterinary Science