Aim To investigate the model free multi step average reward reinforcement learning algorithm. Methods By combining the R learning algorithms with the temporal difference learning (TD( λ ) learning) algorithms for average reward problems, a novel incremental algorithm, called R( λ ) learning, was proposed. Results and Conclusion The proposed algorithm is a natural extension of the Q( λ) learning, the multi step discounted reward reinforcement learning algorithm, to the average reward cases. Simulation results show that the R( λ ) learning with intermediate λ values makes significant performance improvement over the simple R learning.
目的 讨论平均准则下控制马氏链的强化学习算法,在事先未知状态转移矩阵及报酬函数的条件下,通过试凑法寻找使得长期每阶段期望平均报酬最大的最优控制策略. 方法 结合平均报酬问题的一步学习算法和即时差分学习算法,提出了一种多步强化学习算法——— R( λ) 学习算法. 结果与结论 新算法使得已有的 R 学习算法成为其λ= 0 时的特例. 同时它也是折扣报酬 Q(λ) 学习算法到平均报酬问题的自然推广. 仿真结果表明λ取中间值的 R( λ) 学习算法明显优于一步的 R 学习算法.