Orientational domains at room temperature in orthorhombic perovskite La 0.33 Ca 0.67 MnO 3 were studied by group theory and observed systematically using transmission electron microscopy. There are six orientational variants ( A, A', B,B', C and C' ) in orthorhombic perovskite La 0.33 Ca 0.67 MnO 3. Their orthorhombic b O directions are parallel to the a P, b P and c P directions of the cubic prototypic perovskite, respectively. In each case there are two orientational variants (e.g., A and A' ) with their a O and c O axes interchanged. Among the possible 15 boundaries between these 6 variants there are only two types of domain boundaries: (1) m<100> boundaries C'/C, A'/A, and B'/B. (2) m<110> boundaryies C'/A, C'/A', C'/B, C'/B', C/A, C/A', C/B, C/B', B'/A, B'/A', B/A, and B/A' .
Orientational domains at room temperature in orthorhombic perovskite La 0.33 Ca 0.67 MnO 3 were studied by group theory and observed systematically using transmission electron microscopy. There are six orientational variants ( A, A', B,B', C and C' ) in orthorhombic perovskite La 0.33 Ca 0.67 MnO 3. Their orthorhombic b O directions are parallel to the a P, b P and c P directions of the cubic prototypic perovskite, respectively. In each case there are two orientational variants (e.g., A and A' ) with their a O and c O axes interchanged. Among the possible 15 boundaries between these 6 variants there are only two types of domain boundaries: (1) m<100> boundaries C'/C, A'/A, and B'/B. (2) m<110> boundaryies C'/A, C'/A', C'/B, C'/B', C/A, C/A', C/B, C/B', B'/A, B'/A', B/A, and B/A' .
WANG Ren hui 1,2) ,GUI Jia nian 1,2) ,ZHU Yi mei 2) , A. R. Moodenbaugh 2) 1. Department of Physics, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China 2. Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973