TiO 2 anatase thin films on quartz substrates were prepared with sol gel method. The dry gel films, made by spin coating 10 times, were calcined at various temperatures. From X ray diffraction analyses, it is found that the anatase to rutile phase transformation temperature of the films is higher than 850 ℃, the films are preferentially oriented on (0 0 1) plane, i.e. c axis oriented. The thickness, refractive indexes, absorption coefficients and extinction coefficients of the films were determined from UV Vis transmission spectra of the films using a UV Vis spectrophotometer. The thickness of the films is about 570 nm. The refractive indexes, absorption coefficients and the extinction coefficients of the present films are larger than the values of anatase films prepared by sputtering. This indicates that the films made with sol gel method are very dense.
TiO 2 anatase thin films on quartz substrates were prepared with sol gel method. The dry gel films, made by spin coating 10 times, were calcined at various temperatures. From X ray diffraction analyses, it is found that the anatase to rutile phase transformation temperature of the films is higher than 850 ℃, the films are preferentially oriented on (0 0 1) plane, i.e. c axis oriented. The thickness, refractive indexes, absorption coefficients and extinction coefficients of the films were determined from UV Vis transmission spectra of the films using a UV Vis spectrophotometer. The thickness of the films is about 570 nm. The refractive indexes, absorption coefficients and the extinction coefficients of the present films are larger than the values of anatase films prepared by sputtering. This indicates that the films made with sol gel method are very dense.