
基于可信计算的无线网络终端认证机制研究 被引量:1

The Identity Authentication Mechanism of Wireless Network Terminal Based on Trusted Computing
摘要 针对计算机可信计算设计理念中存在的WSN终端数据安全问题,提出了一种基于可信计算的无线传感器网络终端身份认证机制。通过引入可信平台模块(TMP),结合生物识别技术的思想,实现用户与TMP之间的相互认证。由TPM直接控制指纹模板和生物校验软件,减少了数据传输过程中可能发生的潜在威胁,提高了无线传感器网络终端的可靠性。分析认为,该方案对可信计算在终端安全方面的研究有着重要的参考价值。 A new type of identity authentication mechanism of wireless network terminal based on trusted computing is developed.Combine with the idea of biometric technology,the Trusted Platform Module(TPM)is introduced to achieve mutual authentication between the user and the TMP.The fingerprint template and biological validation software have been controlled by TMP,which can diminish the Possibility of potential threat during the data transmission and improve the reliability of wireless sensor network terminal.Analysis shows that this program has important reference value in the terminal trusted computing security research.
作者 李飞
出处 《科学技术与工程》 2011年第32期8069-8072,共4页 Science Technology and Engineering
关键词 可信计算 无线传感网络 身份认证 trusted computing Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) identity authentication
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