It is widely acknowledged that fundamental research should go strictly together with creative talent oriented edu-cation . The integration is not only required of the objective laws of the development of current scientific technologies, but also embodies the common successful experience of world developed nations. As research on fundamental stud-ies is a creative scientific activity that intends to explore and discover the main features of both man and woman, it actually forms an essential part in the whole cultivation of creative talents. Universities are always known as the most concentrated place of knowledge and talents. As a cradle of fostering talents, a university is a frontier for new ideas and new theories as well as a platform at which new technologies are derived and demonstrated. This paper tends to illustrate these view based on Nanjing University's years of success-ful practice in the field of joining teaching and scientific re-search . It is also hoped that the paper will demonstrate how to speed up the cultivation of massive academic nucleus of the world' s most advanced level to be formed of young and middle - aged intellectuals. Further discussions are direct-ed at how colleges and universities should employ knowl-edge and develop their hi - tech bases in order to achieve the results as designed.
China Basic Science