
Effects and Operating Experience of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty in 63 cases

Effects and Operating Experience of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty in 63 cases
摘要 Objective:To evaluate the effects of percutaneoustransluminal coronary angioplasty(PTCA) and intracoronarystents.Methods:PTCA was performed in 63 patients with 107diseased vessels and 121 lesions.Results:Effective dilatation was performed in 79 of the107 diseased vessels and 103 of the 121 lesions,type Alesions were 25(24.3%);type B and C 78(75.7%).Theaverage dilatation time was 3.6±2.8,the average dilatationduration was 68±98 secondes and the average maxiumdilatation pressure was 8.5±2.9 atm.The average severity ofthe coronary artery stenosis decreased from 90% to 6%,thestenosis was disappeared completely in 93 lesions afterPTCA.Forty-one coronary stents were implanted with theaim of treating acute vessels occlusion in 2 cases andpreventing restenosis after PTCA in 32 cases.The ischemicST-T Changes of ECG and symptoms were improvedsignificantly in these patients post-PTCA.Conclusion:PTCA is a safe and effective therapy for thepatients with coronary heart disease,and coronary stent is avery effective method to treat acute coronary occlusionduring PTCA. Objective:To evaluate the effects of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty(PTCA) and intracoronary stents. Methods:PTCA was performed in 63 patients with 107 diseased vessels and 121 lesions. Results:Effective dilatation was performed in 79 of the 107 diseased vessels and 103 of the 121 lesions,type A lesions were 25(24.3%);type B and C 78(75.7%).The average dilatation time was 3.6±2.8,the average dilatation duration was 68±98 secondes and the average maxium dilatation pressure was 8.5±2.9 atm.The average severity of the coronary artery stenosis decreased from 90% to 6%,the stenosis was disappeared completely in 93 lesions after PTCA.Forty-one coronary stents were implanted with the aim of treating acute vessels occlusion in 2 cases and preventing restenosis after PTCA in 32 cases.The ischemic ST-T Changes of ECG and symptoms were improved significantly in these patients post-PTCA. Conclusion:PTCA is a safe and effective therapy for the patients with coronary heart disease,and coronary stent is a very effective method to treat acute coronary occlusion during PTCA.
出处 《中国介入心脏病学杂志》 1998年第4期152-152,共1页 Chinese Journal of Interventional Cardiology
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