The solution for a class of two-dimensional electro- elastic branched crack problems was presented. Explicit Green's function for an interface crack subjected to an edge dislocation was developed using the extended Stroh formulation, which allows the branched crack problem to be expressed in terms of coupled singular integral equations. The kink was modelled as the continuous distribution of edge dislocations and the dislocation density function was defined on the line of the branch crack only. Competition between crack extension along the interface and kinking into the substrate was investigated using the integral equations and the maximum energy release rate criterion. The numerical results have shown the effect of electric field on the path of crack extension. (Edited author abstract) 24 Refs.
The solution for a class of two-dimensional electro- elastic branched crack problems was presented. Explicit Green's function for an interface crack subjected to an edge dislocation was developed using the extended Stroh formulation, which allows the branched crack problem to be expressed in terms of coupled singular integral equations. The kink was modelled as the continuous distribution of edge dislocations and the dislocation density function was defined on the line of the branch crack only. Competition between crack extension along the interface and kinking into the substrate was investigated using the integral equations and the maximum energy release rate criterion. The numerical results have shown the effect of electric field on the path of crack extension. (Edited author abstract) 24 Refs.
The work was supported by the Australian Research Council through a Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ fellowship and by the Australian Academy of Science through the J.G.Russell Award.