The goal of this research is to discuss International Gar-ments Exhibition of Shanghai International Fashion Cul-ture Festival which was held once a year since 1995.As amajor economic activity of Shanghai International Fash-ion Culture Festival(SIFCF),it is an important eventfor fashion industry in Shanghai and even in China.There are three parts in the paper:1)survey,the re-view of the exhibition held in the past is described brief-ly;2)Analysis,the materials and phenomena of exhibi-tions of SIFCF are analyzed to find the successful experi-ences and deficiencies,which are compared with eachother and with same events in the world;3)suggestion,some proposals of the exhibition of SIFCF in the futureare given.It would be hoped that this study will find the way for International Garments Exhibition of SIFCF toshow the features of Chinese and Shanghai’s fashion in-dustry as well as to develop itself as a professional fashionexhibition conforming with international practice.
The goal of this research is to discuss International Garments Exhibition of Shanghai International Fashion Culture Festival which was held once a year since 1995. As a major economic activity of Shanghai International Fashion Culture Festival (SIFCF), it is an important event for fashion industry in Shanghai and even in China. There are three parts in the paper; 1) survey, the review of the exhibition held in the past is described briefly; 2) Analysis, the materials and phenomena of exhibitions of SIFCF are analyzed to find the successful experiences and deficiencies, which are compared with each other and with same events in the world; 3) suggestion, some proposals of the exhibition ol SIFCF in the future are given. It would be hoped that this study will find the way for International Garments E khibition of SIFCF to show the features of Chinese and Shanghai's fashion industry as well as to develop itself as a professional fashion exhibition conforming with international practice.
'97 Shanghai Interational Fashion Culture Festival Organizing Committee