Spinel peridotite xenoliths from Wangqing, NE China exhibit correlative variations in texture, temperature, geochemistry and radiogenic isotopes. This suggests that the Wangqing xenoliths may come from a mantle diapir. It is possible that the fertile and undeformed lherzolites were situated in the interior of the diapir, whereas the refractory and deformed harzburgites and clinopyroxene_poor lherzolites were within the diapiric flanks.
Spinel peridotite xenoliths from Wangqing. NE China exhibit correlative variations in texture, temperature, geochemistry and radiogenic isotopes. This suggests that the Wangqing xenoliths may come from a mantle diapir. It is possible that the fertile and undeformed lherzomlites were situated in the interior of the diapir, whereas the refractory and deformed hanburgites and clinopyroxene-poor lherwlites were within the diapiric flanks.
theRoyalSociety (London),ChineseAcademyofSciencesandtheStateEducationCommissionofChina