Using alloplasmic wheat as test materials, the genetic effect of cytoplasm on wheat scab resistance was studied by three methods including the determination of resistance of explant calli to Gibberella zeae toxin, the identification of inoculating single fixed position and the identification of field resistance. The results showed that among "the homonucleo_heterocytoplasmic lines", resistance of calli to G. zeae toxin was different; the difference of cytoplasmic effect among different nucleoplasm combinations showed certain nucleoplasm interaction relation. Resistance of hybrid F 1 plants of reciprocal cross between alloplasmic line and disease-sensitive wheat variety to wheat scab was of clear difference. Hybrid F 1 of reciprocal cross between Ae. ventricosa cytoplasmic wheat and disease-sensitive or -resistant wheat variety all exhibited fine resistance effect of alloplasm. Compared with general common wheat variety, most alloplasmic wheats tested have stronger resistance. A few selected lines having Ae. ventricosa cytoplasm have a strong and stable resistance to scab. They can be a finer new resistant source.
Using alloplasmic wheat as test materials, the genetic effect of cytoplasm on wheat scab resistance was studied by three methods including the determination of resistance of explant calli toGibberella zeae toxin, the identification of inoculating single fixed position and the identification of field resistance. The results showed that among “the homonucleo-heterocytoplasmic lines”, resistance of calli toG. zeae toxin was different; the difference of cytoplasmic effect among different nucleoplasm combinations showed certain nucleoplasm interaction relation. Resistance of hybrid F1 plants of reciprocal cross between alloplasmic line and disease-sensitive wheat variety to wheat scab was of clear difference. Hybrid F1 of reciprocal cross betweenAe. ventricosa cytoplasmic wheat and disease-sensitive or -resistant wheat variety all exhibited fine resistance effect of alloplasm. Compared with general common wheat variety, most alloplasmic wheats tested have stronger resistance. A few selected lines havingAe. ventricosa cytoplasm have a strong and stable resistance to scab. They can be a finer new resistant source.
theEighthFive YearPlanoftheChineseAcademyofSciences (GrantNo .KY85_0 6_0 4)