
Environmental changes recorded in lake sediments for 13000-1000 a B.P. in Beijing area 被引量:2

Environmental changes recorded in lake sediments for 13000-1000 a B.P. in Beijing area
摘要 The detailed 14 C dating, palynological, carbon isotope and magnetic susceptibility analyses of a paleo swamp record obtained near Beijing show that the succession of climate events in Beijing area is broadly consistent with the climatic behavior in the North Atlantic region during the period from 13 000 to 10 000 a B.P., but with evident local characteristics. A relatively warm and wet episode (11 400\10 950 a B.P.) was intercalated between two dry cold episodes (11 600\11 400 and 10 950\ 10 450 a B.P.). The detailed14c dating, palynological, carbon isotope and magnetic susceptibility analyses of a paleo-swamp record obtained near Beijing show that the succession of climate events in Beljing area is broadly consistent with the climatic behavior in the North Atlantic region during the period from 13 000 to 10 000 a B. P., but with evident local characteristics. A relatively warm and wet episode (11 400-10 950 a B.P.) was intercalated between two dry-cold episodes (11 600-11 400 and 10 950-10 450 a B. P.).
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1998年第13期1095-1100,共6页
基金 heNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(GrantNo .4 9172 15 7) theStateKeyLaboratoryofLoessandQuaternaryGeology ChineseAcademyofSciences
关键词 short LIVED events of climate Fangshan COUNTY of Beijing. short-lived events of climnte Fangahan County of Beijing
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