
New technique to control in situ oxygen fugacity in water-free high-pressure system──Using Cu-O as an example

New technique to control in situ oxygen fugacity in water-free high-pressure system──Using Cu-O as an example
摘要 Through inserting a solid oxygen-specific electrolyte (YSZ) inside and exerting an electrical power of direct current outside between the sample and oxygen reservoir (an solid oxygen buffer), oxygen was driven by the power from the cathodic electrode area into the positive electrode area at high temperature and high pressure. In this way, the oxygen fugacity in the sample was in situ controlled independently of temperature and pressure. By using Cu-O system as an example, this technique was proved to be successful. Through inserting a solid oxygen-specific electrolyte (YSZ) inside and exerting an electrical power of direct current outside between the sample and oxygen reservoir (an solid oxygen buffer), oxygen was driven by the power from the cathodic electrode area into the positive electrode area at high temperature and high pressure. In this way, the oxygen fugacity in the sample was in situ controlled independently of temperature and pressure. By using Cu-O system as an example, this technique was proved to be successful.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE CAS 1998年第16期1353-1358,共6页
基金 ThisworkwassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (GrantNo .496 742 2 1)andtheNationalScienceCouncil,Taipei,China (GrantNo .NSC_86_2 111_M_0 11_0 2 1)
关键词 in SITU control of oxygen FUGACITY water-free SYSTEM HIGH temperature and HIGH pressure. in situ control of oxygen fugacity, water-free system, high temperature and high pressure.
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