成都西郊,有一座规模宏大“花园式的现代化工厂”。它就是镶嵌在天府之国的一颗璀璨的明珠——成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司。 1998年10月18日,成飞迈入不惑之年,喜庆40华诞。作为我国研制和生产歼击机的主要 1998年10月18日,成飞迈入不惑之年,喜庆40华诞。
The company, located in the western suburbs of Chengdu,is an extra large State-owned enterprise and the main base for researching and producing fighter planes in China.Over the past four decades,it has produced thousands of fighters,which have been used to equip the armed forces and to export to more than 30 countries and regions.The company has established trade and cooperation relation with clients and partners of some 100 countries and regions including USA, France,Germany,and Japan etc. The company has also set up a number of bases with adequate strength for researching civilian products and actively promoted the tertiary industry to launch diversified operations.
Western China