从米亚罗看红叶回来,老是想到那满山遍野的红叶,就象一位突然闯进你生活中的美人儿,叫你梦魂牵绕,心神不宁。这种心情真有点象风流宗教领袖六世达赖仓央嘉措一首情歌里流露的心境: 压根儿没见最好, 也省得神魂颠倒; 原来不熟也好, 免得情思萦绕。四川钟灵毓秀。
Miyaluo Town is located 60 km northwest of Lixian County,Aba Tibet Autonomous Prefecture.Sichuan Province.As there are mountains and valleys with beautiful scenery,the area is an ideal place for tourists and holiday makers.The best season in Miyaluo is autumn,when tree leaves are turning from green to yellow then to red.The area aglow with red leaves extends thousands of square kilometers.At this time,tourist could drink in the beauty of the autumn scenery.Besides,one can also take bath in hot spring ponds,make exploration in the forest and go alpine skiing.
Western China